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Motherhood is...

Motherhood is full of so much emotions.

You love, protect and defend your children as much as humanly possible. No mother parents the same. We all have different ways to love our children and show it. We all have different opinions when it comes to our children. You cry for them, love them and feel everything they feel. There is nothing in this world that we wouldn't do to see smiles on their faces and happiness in their heart. I love my boys with everything within me.

Motherhood is always maturing, learning and growing, just like our kids. It is when your kid randomly says "I love you" and lunges at you with a hug. A hug that is overpowering and takes away all of your air.

Motherhood is the face of accomplishment your child has when they learn something new, do well in school and see us happy.

Motherhood is long nights and early mornings. Being stuck in the emergency room for hours and hours because your little one is sick. Being sick yourself and having to find all the strength within you to take care of them as they run around, laughing.

Motherhood is wiping away their tears and kissing their boo-boos when life has brought them down.

Motherhood is going from changing dirty diapers, to potty training and watching them take showers all by themselves.

Motherhood is the joy you see in their eyes when you get them a new toy, take them out to their favorite place or simply say "I love you."

Motherhood is the battles. All of the battles that you endure for your babies.

Motherhood is love. The overwhelming love you feel when you simply look at them.

I wouldn't trade motherhood for anything in this world. Every tear, every obstacle, every fight - has been worth it.

You, kiddos, are my reason for living. My reason for happiness. My reason for being who I am today.

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