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Happy Mother's Day

I would like to start by wishing my mother a Happy Mother's Day in heaven. This is my second mothers day without her unfortunately but today is still her day. Although I cannot tell you in person, I want to tell you thank you. Thank you for all the time you gave me. Thank you for wiping away my tears. Thank you for raising me to become a well rounded woman with goals. Thank you for all those times you let me sleep in your bed when I was scared of the storm. Thank you for reassuring me that there was a better man out there for me when someone broke my heart. Thank you for motivating me to reach above and beyond. Thank you for spending 22 years when you deserved to be relaxed and laid back enjoying your 50's and 60's. I love you mom! I miss you dearly. I hope you're having a great time with your mother who I know you missed so much. I'll see you one day!


This is my sixth mothers day as a mom! I had Johnny extremely young but these years

have been the best years of my life. He has kept me strong, alive, and motivated. I cannot picture a life without my boys. Having Giovanni just made me fall in love with motherhood all over again. I'm constantly reminded of how I was with Johnny when he was Giovanni's age. I aspire to be the best mother possible to my kids. I'm sure most of us mothers are always trying to be even better than our own mothers were. Though that is hard because our mothers are incredible super-humans. I just want to remind everyone that we should celebrate and embrace our mothers daily. This should not happen only once a year!! My biggest mistake growing up was not showing my mother how much I truly valued her. We get caught up in our lives and our problems that we do not spend enough time with our loved ones who sacrificed their entire lives to make ours much better than theirs. Celebrate your mother today for all she's done for you, but remember to do it every day possible throughout her lifetime.

And finally, I want to wish a Happy Mothers Day to all of my awesome mom friends who constantly go above and beyond for their kid(s). Give yourself a pat on the back mom! You're doing great!! Go out today and celebrate. Have fun ladies because this is your day!!!


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