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First We Crawl, Then We Walk.

Almost a week ago I posted about Giovanni turning one on the 15th of March. Today my little one accomplished a new (well awaited) milestone, he took his first steps! This bring so much mixed emotions for me. I am happy that he is finally walking but sad that he is growing so fast before my eyes. Growing up Hispanic, you are told that babies must walk before one. Someone in your family is always bragging about their child walking as early as 7-9 months. My oldest son walked before he turned one as well. This time around, I knew it was completely normal for children to not walk before one or even soon after one but I was still very anxious. For his one year check-up, the doctor asked if he was walking yet and that it was completely normal for babies to not walk at 12 months. She told us that the average age where babies do walk is 15 months. If by then he did not walk, he would be evaluated. That of course raised concerns - what is wrong with my baby? why isn't he walking? what if he doesn't walk by 15 months? I tried to keep calm and remember that Giovanni still had time. This morning, for some odd and totally random reason, I decided to stand him up and call him to see if he would walk. He did!! He took his first few steps and I kept doing it over and over again and then recorded him. I was amazed all day; slathering my pride all over social media. I was saddened that his daddy missed out on this special moment but ecstatic for him to witness it himself. Unfortunately Giovanni was asleep when daddy got home so tomorrow - it's game time. Now to have fun with the constant touching and running that comes with a baby learning to walk and have more freedom!


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