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Giovanni Is One!!

Hi! It's been 25 days since the last post I've made. Over that time, my youngest son turned ONE! I cannot believe that my little nugget is one. I know time flies quickly as I have seen it for my own eyes when I became a mother 6 1/2 years ago but somehow you hope it won't fly by. I stare at my son, thinking about about how long he is and how big he has gotten. How FAT he is and how much I love all his little rolls. One year ago he was this tiny little human and now he is this big boy with his own personality. I am blessed. Blessed with the ability to bring little humans into this world, blessed to watch my hearts walking on earth.


On Giovanni's birthday we celebrated at iHop as a mini-celebration before his big party that Saturday. I was glad my grandfather was able to accompany us.


On Saturday March 19th, 2016 - we celebrated his big one!! I reached out to Coste Events to do his party. For months I followed them on Instagram and admired their work. Coste Events consists of 4 sisters that do events by providing decor, treats (ie. cake, cake pops, cookies) and even their own venue!! When my husband and I went to sign the contract, I told them I wanted a nautical birthday party with the colors red, white and blue. Gissell Coste asked if I had any details in mind and I said - No. I trust you guys and I know it will be amazing. I was right of course. The venue looked BEAUTIFUL and everything was delicious. A ton of our guests complimented the decor and loved the treats. Plus they provided great customer service. My son's birthday party was a success!! My grandfather spent hours cooking our favorite and much needed Spanish food, ranging from arroz con guandules to pastelitos. It was all perfect! My son was surrounded by so many people who love and care for him deeply. I enjoyed being surrounded by everyone especially long time friends that I do not get to see often.

To contact Coste Events in regards to your event or to view their work - click below!

Instagram: @Coste_Events

I highly recommend them!!

My good friend Jay did an amazing job taking photos of our event and all the guests!

Thank you to all of guests for coming on our special day!

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